Keyboard History and Its Functions

Juli 20, 2018
Surely you are familiar if talking about Keyboard Laptop / Computer. The keyboard is one of the Device Input Devices on the computer and I have discussed it clearly in the last post about the various Input Devices.

This time I will discuss in detail from the existing computer input device part is Keyboard. ranging from Understanding Keyboard and Keyboard Functions.

Keyboard is the most important input unit in a data processing with computer. The keyboard can function to enter letters, numbers, special characters and as a medium for the user (the user) to perform other necessary commands, such as saving files and opening files.
Short History Keyboard

Keyboard is an input tool used to type information into a computer and run various instructions or commands into a computer. The creation of a computer keyboard was inspired by the creation of a basic typewriter designed by Christopher Latham in 1868 and widely marketed in 1877 by the Remington Company.

The creation of a computer keyboard comes from a typewriter model created and patented by Christopher Latham in 1868, and in 1887 was produced and marketed by the Remington company. Keyboard used today is QWERTY type, in 1973, this keyboard was inaugurated as standard ISO keyboard (International Standard Organization) .The number of keys on this keyboard amounted to 104 keys.Keyboard now that we know has some kind of port, the serial port, ps2 , usb and wireless.

The first computer keyboard was adapted from punch cards and remote post teletype technology (Teletype). In 1946 the ENIAC computer used a punched card reader as an input and output device.

When you hear the word "keyboard" then our minds are not separated from the existence of a computer, because the keyboard is a board consisting of buttons to type the sentence and other special symbols on the computer. Keyboard in Indonesian means finger board or keypad.

On the keyboard there are buttons A - Z, a - z, numbers 0 - 9, special keys and characters like: `~ @ # $% ^ & * () _ - + = <> /,. ? :; "'\ | as well as other special buttons that the total number is 104 buttons. While on the Machine type the number of buttons is 52 keys. The shape of the keyboard is generally rectangular, but currently the keyboard model is very varied. The most famous keyboard is a QWERTY keyboard that has 101 keys (buttons). Most keyboards have keys that are organized into the following sections:

    Alphanumeric Key
    Numeric Keypad
    Function Key
    Modifier Key
    Cursor Movement Key

In addition, in using the Ms. application Office (especially MS Word) there are several Keyboard buttons that have functions when combined or combined with other buttons, examples like below;

    Ctrl + A = Select All
    Ctrl + B = Bold
    Ctrl + C = Copy
    Ctrl + D = Font
    Ctrl + E = Center Alignment
    Ctrl + F = Find
    Ctrl + G = Go To
    Ctrl + H = Replace
    Ctrl + I = Italic
    Ctrl + J = Justify Alignment
    Ctrl + K = Insert Hyperlink
    Ctrl + L = Left Alignment
    Ctrl + M = Hanging Indent
    Ctrl + N = New
    Ctrl + O = Open
    Ctrl + P = Print
    Ctrl + Q = Normal Style
    Ctrl + R = Right Alignment
    Ctrl + S = Save / Save As
    Ctrl + T = Left Indent
    Ctrl + U = Underline
    Ctrl + V = Paste
    Ctrl + W = Close
    Ctrl + X = Cut
    Ctrl + Y = Redo
    Ctrl + Z = Undo
    Ctrl + 1 = Single Spacing
    Ctrl + 2 = Double Spacing
    Ctrl + 5 = 1.5 lines
    Ctrl + Esc = Start Menu

For more details on the keyboard function in detail, you can see the full explanation below yes;

Keyboard Types:


Without a keyboard, such a computer does not produce anything because the vital command tool is the keyboard. Using the keyboard, a computer is able to produce documents that are then printed through the printer. The various documents you see today, such as books, papers, papers, and various blogs in the internet world, are all generated using the help of the typewriter. So, already know not how much influence or benefit in our daily life?
Keyboard Definition

The keyboard is an input device and is one of the computer hardware that has a variety of buttons that have different functions depending on the emphasis that can produce the process according to our will.

Keyboard plays an important role also to the performance of a computer or laptop. If a computer does not have a keyboard, no data entry commands can be performed. Actually it can be with the help of the mouse, but not all the input commands can be with the help of the mouse.

From the above function can be seen also that the function of a keyboard is to give commands to the computer to carry out data processing using the software.

Keryboard Function Computer / Laptop

There are various descriptions or explanations related to this Keyboard function, for more details and detailed explanations;

1. Keyboard Functions Viewed From the Button Variant

Keyboard, has a main function as a typewriter, as the name of the keyboard. The keyboard is tasked with displaying numbers, letters, and symbols on your computer monitor screen which are then printed into documents or intentionally created as digital data on the computer.

Keyboards basically do not always output the form of numbers, letters, and symbols. Some buttons are designed to function as a command. For example, there is an escape key that works to exit the application or program you are running. Then there is also the F5 key in charge of refreshing your computer. After that there is also a keyboard function as a navigation where you have to press the arrow, page up, and page down.

With so many buttons inside the keyboard, it is certain that every key in the keyboard has a variety of functions. At the very least, there are two basic functions of the computer keyboard, the function of a single key keyboard, and also the function of a combination of more than two keyboard keys.

Because the keyboard has a function that is important enough in terms of input into the software, of course if there is a mistake and even damage from the keyboard will be very disturbing. To keep the function of this keyboard button, the user at least knows how to keep the keyboard so that it is not easily damaged by not using it too hard in pressing every key.

Keyboard that also serves as a tool to replace the mouse when not working is enough to be a hardware to note. Here's a more complete explanation;

2.Function Single Keyboard Button (One Button)

Here are some of the single functions of a single keyboard button, along with the name of the button:

1. Alphanumeric Button
It functions to characterize characters as well as numbers on a computer.

2. Asterisk button
Asterisk buttons are useful for inputting from asterisk characters, such as punctuation.

3. Capslock button
To make the letter uppercase or capital letter.

4. Shift key
To perform the complementary functions of each key, such as creating one capital letter, and also selecting the non-alpha key

5. Esc
Esc or escape has the function of cancelling the dialog box, pause in a game, and also to stop the animation.

6. Function Keys F1 to F12
    F1 is mostly used to bring up the help menu or help
    F2 serves to rename the selected item or object
    F3 function to bring up the search all files dialog box
    F4 Function to bring up menu Go to A Different Folder
    F5 serves to refresh the window, browser and desktop
    F10 function to activate menu bar
    F11 function to enable full screen mode

7. Print Screen
This button serves to make the process of taking screen shoot from the screen or display your computer is being displayed.

8. Tab
This button is useful for selecting options or options that exist in a dialog box or dialog box.

Ctrl or control is a button that allows you to perform multiple (multiple) selections using mouse help

10. Windows key
This button is usually at the bottom, between the alt keys and also ctrl. The main function of this button is to open the start menu on windows

11. Alt
The Alt key does not have a specific function as a single button. The functionality of Alt will be much talked about using keyboard key combinations.

12. Space Bar
Space bar is the most obvious keyboard key, located at the bottom, and the longest. Spacebar button is used to insert space or spaces between characters or between sentences in the function of writing and making documents in the computer.

13. Enter
Enter has several main functions. In writing the document, enter is useful to create a new paragraph in the document. While in the application, the enter key can mean as OK, and is used also to select the options to be executed

14. Backspace
Backspace backups are used to delete individual characters in a document.

15. Delete
Delete button serves to delete a file.

16. Home
The home button serves to restore you on the first page of a document page, or browser.

17. Page Up
This page up button works to raise the page, widely used in browser and also document creation.

18. Page Down
Page down is widely used as the opposite of page up, ie lowering the page.

19. Arrow keys
Arrow keys consist of 4 directions, ie up, down, left, and also direction to the right. The function of this button, which is to direct in selecting the files to be selected.

20. Num Lock
Num Lock is a key that serves to melakukn locking on numeric key or numeric keypad

21. Fn
Fn is short for function. This button is usually mostly found on the laptop keyboard, which has a smaller size than the desktop PC keyboard usually. Used as compositions to bring up functions that match the color of the button.

3. Combination Key Function on Keyboard
This keyboard combination key function can be obtained when you press more than one keyboard key at a time. The following are some of the following keyboard combination keys with their functions:

1. Combination Ctrl

The first is a combination of the CTRL key, which consists of several combinations, such as:

    Ctrl + A is useful for selecting all items in the window.
    Ctrl + B function to perform character thickening (bold) on document formatting.
    Ctrl + C works to copy the document or files.
    Ctrl + F functions for find or search function.
    Ctrl + I to do an italic formatting or a letter that is tilted on a document or word.
    Ctrl + N opens a window or a new window. Can also be used to open new documents, new email as well as new tabs in the browser (N = New).
    Ctrl + O works to open fie or document (open).
    Ctrl + P function to run document printing function.
    Ctrl + S has a function to saving documents and files.
    Ctrl + U to perform underline formatting or underline in a document.
    Ctrl + V serves to paste the documents or files that have been copied before.
    Ctrl + W works to close the open document.
    Ctrl + X serves to cut or cut the selected file, and put it in the clipboard.
    Ctrl + Y is used to perform functions from redo files or documents.
    Ctrl + Z is the opposite of ctrl + Y, that is to do undo process.
    Ctrl + Esc is used to open the start menu on windows.
    Ctrl + drag files This combination will help the user to directly copy a file.
    Ctrl + Shift + Drag files This combination of keys is useful for creating shortcuts from a file.
    Ctrl + F4 serves to close the window or window of an application, without having to exit the application.

2. Windows Button Combination (Win)

The second combination is a combination of windows (Win) button. The following are some of the functions of the windows combination buttons:

    Win + D to minimize the entire window.
    Win + E opens windows explorer.
    Win + F to bring up the Find dialog box.
    Win + L to lock your windows operating system.
    Win + M to minimize the open window.
    Win + Shift + M to reopen the last minimized window.
    Win + R opens the RUN command.
    Win + F1 to display the hel menu on windows.
    Win + Tab has the same functionality as Alt + Tab, to select a window that is already open.

3. Combination of the Alt Keys

The next combination is a combination of the Alt key on the keyboard. Here are some combinations of the Alt key on the keyboard:

    Alt + F4 to exit from active window, can also to shut down.
    Alt + Space Bar to display the menu system.
    Alt + enter To see the properties of the selected item.
    Alt + Tab to select the window or window that has been opened.

Reference sources:

Well that's the complete explanation of the Keyboard Laptop / Computer Functions, hopefully with this will help you all in learning the basics of computers.

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Penulisan markup di komentar
  • Untuk menulis huruf bold gunakan <strong></strong> atau <b></b>.
  • Untuk menulis huruf italic gunakan <em></em> atau <i></i>.
  • Untuk menulis huruf underline gunakan <u></u>.
  • Untuk menulis huruf strikethrought gunakan <strike></strike>.
  • Untuk menulis kode HTML gunakan <code></code> atau <pre></pre> atau <pre><code></code></pre>, dan silakan parse kode pada kotak parser di bawah ini.

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